Obtain a Second Opinion from Dr. Pablo Pazmino
Patients now have the option of obtaining a second opinion from our Board Certified Spine Surgeon and Medical Director Dr. Pablo Pazmino. Our SpineCalconsult service is unique in that it provides you with a trusted medical expert opinion regarding your spinal condition. Unlike other online second opinion pages, Dr. Pazmino will thoroughly evaluate your available medical record, imaging studies and will contact you personally to discuss your medical history and imaging studies through our unique web conferencing interface. A second opinion with Dr. Pazmino could help you decide : Whether or not surgery is really necessary. What are my surgical options? What type of surgery you may require? You may qualify for minimally invasive spine procedures, as oppose to lengthy and complicated surgeries. What do my MRI’s mean? What approach Dr. Pazmino would recommend? How much recovery from surgery would I need? What kind of therapy would I need after surgery? Health decisions are among the most important decisions that you ever make. Learning more about your condition and seeking a second opinion from an experienced and trusted source can either reaffirm the rendered recommendations or help you find the solution that’s right for you. With our new web conferencing option you can now obtain this opinion from the comfort of your home, avoiding travel expenses and time away from your work and family. For patients (from anywhere outside of Los Angeles) who are traveling to consult with Dr. Pazmino, we ask to review the films before you incur the expense to travel. For patients seeking a 2nd surgical opinion, Dr. Pazmino will review films and consult with you and your Primary Care Physician if you prefer. If you would like to pursue this option, you can include a note from your physician (on his/her letterhead) with your films, or have them email these to contact@spinecal.com or fax it to us at 310-496-2077. |
Next, please follow these steps:
If a physician has told you that you require surgery, and you feel as though you would like a second opinion, this service is for you. A second opinion and film review are NOT a substitute for a physical exam.
Download the Patient Registration Form. These can be filled out on your computer and emailed to us at contact@spinecal.com, or printed and mailed with your films. Request that your imaging facility provide you with copies of your x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and any other diagnostic tests performed. Please send the films and the reports. We can accept CDs or films. Send your films and medical history via a traceable means such as Federal Express or UPS to: Please call 310-776-7545 with the date your films were sent. Once we have received your films, we will call you to confirm receipt and to arrange our phone consultation. |